Soon we have to say “goodbye!” to the resellerclubmods_config.php configuration file and to the license local key flatfiles which the mods saves into the whmcs document root if write permission is set correctly.

The new product versions v3 coming soon for the entire product portfolio will save all the configurations needed into the database using a new centralized management console called “ResellerClub Management Core Console”.

Also the way the mods save the local license key for each product will change with the new v3 versions. The local license key previously saved in a flatfile if correct write permission was set, will be saved in the database to guarantee 100% local license key check thus avoid excessive remote license checks and improve performance.

The fully tested and stable initial release for the new management console is now available for download if you have a valid trial, leased or owned product license. You can download it from any of the product details page from the client area. Installation is very easy and documented for registered users at

The complete porfolio will be available in v3 for this week.

Best regards,
Marco Ferraro
CEO & Founder
Group Informática Ferraro

Tuesday, 21 February, 2012

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