We are proud to announce our brand new product portfolio with Multi LogicBoxes Registrar Support and new functionalities!

Before v3.1 you could not offer our mods and modules for various LogicBoxes Registrars at the same time. For example you had to configure the DNS management interface for ResellerClub while for Resell.biz and Net Earth One you had to use the build-in WHMCS Dns interface.

With the new v3.1 mods and modules this has definitely come to an end!

With WHMCS you can provide domain register with multiple LogicBoxes Registrars at the same time and now you can also offer all our mods and modules using multiple LogicBoxes Registrars.

No more barriers or limitations! Use all mods & modules for ResellerClub, Resell.biz (stargate) and NetEarthOne simultaneously with the same Interface, the same Module, at the same time!

We hope you like the new v3.1 products which have been also improved in functionalities.

For more information please visit the changelog for each product at http://www.resellerclub-mods.com/support-a-help/documentation.html

Best regards,
Marco Ferraro
CEO & Founder
Group Informática Ferraro

Friday, 27 April, 2012

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