We are very exited to announce the launch of our new FREE ResellerClub & Logic Box Tools version v2.1!

Since a long time claimed and never offered by anybody, the new FREE ResellerClub Tools Box includes now the tools for importing domains from your reseller account into WHMCS. Now you can forget inserting your domains manually into WHMCS!

Import TLD’s and Prices
This tool fetches your active tlds from your reseller account and checks if these tld’s are configured in your WHMCS. If not, one click and the tld has been configured correctly and ready for importing your selling prices. The tool does not only importing the prices. It also updates the prices in WHMCS if you made selling price changes in your reseller account.

FREE Tools tld setup

Import Domains
This tool checks for each customer if their domains are present in your WHMCS system and shows you the differences between WHMCS and your reseller account. For domains not present in WHMCS, the tool generates an import function for each user.

The tool does not only importing the domains. It add also a correct order in your WHMCS assigning, price, next due date, etc. and the order date using the domains register date. Very useful to have historical data in your WHMCS for all domains imported!

We hope you like these 2 new tools! Your feedback is very important for us, even if you do not like the tool please let us know your review. Post your comments in our Forum.

Best regards,
Marco Ferraro
CEO & Founder
Group Informática Ferraro

Thursday, 12 January, 2012

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