We are proud to announce the new update v2.7.3 for the ResellerCub & LogicBoxes FREE Tools v2
What's new in v2.7.3?
- API response format changed from simplexml to JSON to improve performance and speed
- Support added for the new LogicBoxes Compatible Domain Registrar Module (Beta to be launched soon)
- Improved Domain Import and Bulk Domain Import Tool:
- Function added to fetch all customer ID's with one click to start Bulk Import immediately
- IDN Support implemented for both tools
- Improved Import TLD's & Prices Tool:
- Function added to update TLD settings for configured TLD's
- Function added to disable Google API currency conversion
- Improved Export User tool: Bulk mode implemented
- Improved Move Domain / Services Tool: Better handling for Success and Error Messages
- New Tools - Manage TLD's & Domains:
- Tool to change the Registrar Module for TLD's
- Tool to change the Registrar Module for Domains
- Tool for Activate/Deactivate Management Tools for Domains (dnsmanagement, emailforwarding and idprotection)
- New Tool - Reseller Domain Bulk move: Move domains from one Reseller Account to another Reseller Account
Your feedback is very important to further develope these tools!
We really would love to have a feedback from you through our facebook comment app at https://www.resellerclub-mods.com/whmcs/free-resellerclub-tools-addon.php!
Best regards,
Marco Ferraro
CEO & Founder
Group Informática Ferraro
Friday, 12 July, 2013