We are proud to announce the new update v2.7.2 for the ResellerCub & LogicBoxes FREE Tools v2

New! Domain Price List - Promo Price Widget

As you certainly know, the promo management tool offers an easy way to activate and deactivate Domain promos in WHMCS.

But what about highlighting the Promo Price in the WHMCS Domain Price List?

This is now possible with the new Domain Promo Price Widget. The Widget replaces the original WHMCS Price List and generates the same Price List but highlighting active Promo Prices. You can customize how to display the promo price with CSS code and you can display or not the normal selling price. It's fully customizable!

Implementing the Widget is very easy! Have a look at the installation documentation, TAB "Domain Promo Pricelist" at https://www.resellerclub-mods.com/whmcs/resellerclub-tools-docs.php.

Best regards,
Marco Ferraro
CEO & Founder
Group Informática Ferraro

Wednesday, 15 May, 2013

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