We are pleased to announce the release of our complete portfolio v3.6.1, ready for WHMCS v5.2.x with backwards compatibility for WHMCS v4.5.2 - v5.1.x
You can download the new versions from our client area product details page TAB "Downloads" for your License. Before upgrading, please read the upgrade instructions carefully, especially for the provisioning / automation modules:
Howto upgrade R.A.M.Cert Interface v3
Howto upgrade R.A.M.Dns Interface V3
Howto upgrade R.A.M.Email Interface V3
Howto upgrade R.E.M.Domain Interface V3
Howto upgrade R.M.D.Hosting Module v3
Howto upgrade R.S.D.Hosting Module v3
Howto upgrade R.R.D.Hosting Module v3
Howto upgrade R.V.P.Server Module v3
Caveats for FREE Tools v2.6.2 and the new v3.6.1 Provisioning Modules
The Import Tools for Hosting and Certificate Products have ceased to work due to the module name changes for the provisioning modules. More information available from our BUG Tracker list: FREE ResellerClub & LogicBoxes Tools for WHMCS
Best regards,
Marco Ferraro
CEO & Founder
Group Informática Ferraro
Monday, 18 March, 2013