We are pleased to announce the new version v3.2 of our product R.A.M.C.I - Resellerclub Advanced Management Cert Interface and Provisioning Module

The only Management Interface that allows Enrollment, Re-issue and Renewal for Certificates from the client area. The updated module now also includes a fully featured and extended product admin details page. It is no longer necessary to login on behalf of your customer to Enroll, Re-issue or Renew a Certificate!

Further improvements have been made to add new module option to enable auto renewal for Customers. For more information about the changes, please visit the RAMCI Change log.

Getting this update is extremely easy! No changes have been made on the template files thus you need to upload only the php files. The how-to upgrade documentation is available in our documentation section.

We hope you like the new version. Feel free to post your feedback or suggestions in our Forum or Facebook

Best regards,
Marco Ferraro
CEO & Founder
Group Informática Ferraro

Friday, 15 June, 2012

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